Bill Viola Jr. Contact: sensei bill viola jr

bill viola jr kumite classic

bill viola jr picture“Sensei” Bill Viola Jr. is a best-selling author, film producer, mixed martial arts historian and international karate arts champion who is currently President of the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania based Kumite Classic Entertainment. His most recent projects are the CommonSensei® life skills book and Sensei Say® curriculum.

Viola Jr.’s award-winning and critically acclaimed Godfathers of MMA, available on Amazon, rose to #1 in the sports category with its commemorative re-release (2017).  The book inspired and is the outline of the documentary film, Tough Guys (2017) on SHOWTIME. Viola Jr. published the book the same weekend as the Showtime film Tough Guys made its network TV debut. Viola co-produced the project with MinusL productions which attracted a star studded lineup of executive producers including Academy Award® Nominated Morgan Spurlock (Supersize Me) and Oscar® winning writer Ross Kaufmann (Born in Brothels).   Viola Jr. grow up around the “Tough Guys” and was able to experience the “Golden Era” of MMA firsthand as his father; Bill Sr., is credited as the co-creator of the sport (a decade before the UFC) by the Heinz History Center, in conjunction with the Smithsonian Institute. Dana White was still in elementary school, we Viola Sr. made his bones in the MMA industry.

tough guys movie mma

Viola Jr. began his career just as father (Bill Viola Sr. already a legend in marital arts) as one of the top sport karate competitors in the United States, recognized as a multi-time United States of America Karate Federation (USAKF) National Champion and All-American Athlete. During his time, he was the most successful PKRA state champion in history and inducted into the Pennsylvania Karate Hall of Fame.

When he was a Junior at the University of Pittsburgh, his he was recognized by Arnold Schwarzenegger as a World Champion at The Arnold Sports Festival, aka the Arnold Classic in Columbus, Ohio in 1998.  The “Governator” inspired him to establish his own expo and production company. “Kumite(組手), literally “grappling hands”(layman’s terms to “fight” in Japanese) and “Classic” an ode to Arnold.

In 1999, he sustained a cervical neck injury in an automobile accident followed by surgery on his esophagus that ended his competitive aspirations.

arnold schwarzenegger
Viola’s meeting with Arnold Schwarzenegger, the inspiration for Kumite Classic

About Viola:

Viola Jr. was a university scholar who graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Pittsburgh in 1999 with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science. Upon graduation, he moved to Studio City, California to gain real world experience in the entertainment industry.  Subsequently, he was accepted into the Screen Actors Guild and American Federation of Television and Radio and established his own company, the aforementioned Kumite Classic Entertainment (KCE).  He gained notoriety from the Britney Spears video Stronger (2000) and was able to network and build relationships with A-list directors and producers.

His company’s signature event, the self-titled “Kumite Classic,” is regarded as the most significant karate event in the Pittsburgh region and noted by the media as mecca for martial arts in Western Pennsylvania.  KCE also produces the annual Pittsburgh Fitness Expo, the largest and most established multi-sport convention in Western Pennsylvania attracting sports and entertainment icons such as Kurt Angle, Sean Kannan, Lynn Swann, Franco Harris, Antonio Brown, Ice-T, and Royce Gracie over the years.

kumite cllassic
Kumite Classic Hall of Fame Members Kurt Angle, Bill Viola Jr., and Franco Harris

Viola has served as an international consultant, referee, coordinator for some of the largest martial arts events in the world including NASKA (North American Sport Karate Assocation) USA Karate, NBL (National Black Belt League) and WAKO (World Association of Kickboxing Organizations). In 2017 he brokered a partnership with Century Martial Arts and WAKO to produce the North American Open in Las Vegas, Nevada in conjunction with UFC Fight Week along side his friend Raymond Daniels (Bellator Kickboxing Champion).

wako usa karate
Bill Viola Jr, Zsolt Moradi (World Champ/Hungarian Open Promoter) and Raymond Daniels (Bellator World Champion)

Film Production:

He has served as an independent consultant for major motion pictures including the mixed martial arts movie Warrior (2011). His credits include associate producer, producer and executive producer for films Tapped (2014) starring former Kumite Classic champion’s Nick Bateman and Cody Hackman and former UFC champs Lyoto Machida and Anderson Silva., Gridlocked (2015) starring Dominic Purcell, The Sound starring Rose McGowan (2017) and Tough Guys (2017) based off of his best-selling book.

Producer Bill Viola Jr

Executive producers for Tough Guys included Academy Award® Nominated Morgan Spurlock (Supersize Me) and Oscar® winning writer Ross Kaufmann (Born in Brothels).  In addition to being part of the production team, Viola had a cameo in the film playing his father in the famous 1979 Denny’s restaurant scene where the sport of MMA was created.

Anthony DeNunzio (left) playing Frank Caliguri and Bill Viola Jr. (right) playing his father

Viola is developing the screenplay for Tough Guys and negotiating the deal for a major motion picture. 

Martial Arts:

Viola is the owner “Sensei” of Allegheny Shotokan Karate, the gold standard for martial arts in Western PA (celebrating its 50-year anniversary in 2019).  The family-owned and operated dojo is blessed with 3 generations of Violas who carry on the legacy.  In 2011, Viola Jr. began his work as an MMA historian. His research lead him to establish the website Soon after, he and his cousin began working n the book Godfather of MMA. His extensive documentation of the mixed martial arts (particularly 1979-1983) earned permanent exhibit installed at the Western PA Sports Museum and Senator John Heinz History Center. The display solidifies and recognizes his father, Viola Sr., as the co-creator of the sport of Mixed Martial Arts a decade before the UFC (the showcase is adjacent to the Franco Harris “Immaculate Reception” display). 

Viola Jr. and Sr. are both official Sport Karate History Generals and members of the Hall of Fame. Gary Lee honored them with the Sport Karate Museum’s “Lifetime Achievement” award.  The duo was awarded the Champion Associations Willie Stargell M.V.P. Award (2011) for community service, a tribute that includes Michael Jordan and Muhamad Ali as alum. In 2017 the Viola Jr.’s biography was published in the book, Who’s Who in the Martial Arts – Legends of American Karate. 

The dojo is home to the only karate athlete’s honored with the “Positive Athlete” award and featured on KDKA’s Hines Ward Show.

Hines Ward Positive Athelte
Hines Ward honors Allegheny Shotokan as Positive Athletes


Viola founded Kumite International (KI), a scholarship foundation (the first of its kind in the United States) through a partnership with Western PA Police Athletic League and Eckert Seamans Law Firm. KI allocated $50,000 in scholarship funds for karate athletes and made national news when Lynn Swann (The Chairman of President George W. Bush’s Council of Physical Fitness and Sports) presented the scholarships with Viola Jr. at his 2004 Kumite Classic.

bill viola jr
Lynn Swann and Bill Viola Jr. Present College Scholarships

Currently, Viola has made it his mission to KICK Parkinson’s disease—literally.  After he lost his Grandmother to complications from the disease, he created a mobile 1-mile “kick-a-thon” in conjunction with the former State Senator Sean Logan’s PIND (Pittsburgh Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases) 5K.  In all, over the past three years, the PIND 5K event has raised over $1 million dollars through appropriations, grants and sponsors — 100% of the funds are earmarked for experimental testing and research in hopes of finding the cure in Pittsburgh.   In 2018 Viola’s daughter Gabby was diagnosed with Indeterminate bowel disease, and in 2019 the two are planning advocacy efforts at the Capital to lobby for improvements to our healthcare system.



Kumite Classic Entertainment set up a publishing division in 2014 (KCE Press). Viola’s Godfathers of MMA became the companies first published book. Viola Jr. has gone on to be a bestselling author, journalist and blogger whose byline includes Martial Arts Success, Shotokan Magazine, Sport Karate Illustrated, and Sport Karate Magazine where he covered events in Canada, Mexico and across North America.  He established Kumite Quarterly magazine in 2003 where he was the publisher of the North American operations for the magazine until 2007.

kumite magazine
Viola’s Kumite Magazine

In 2014, Viola Jr. published the critically acclaimed non-fiction book Godfathers of MMA inspired by the life of his dad.  His work was the subject and the outline for the documentary film Tough Guys (produced by an Academy Award accredited team) and made its network television debut on SHOWTIME (2017).

Tough Guys bill viola jr

Tough Guys Amazon #1 Best Seller by Bill Viola Jr. is the Amazon “Best Selling Author” of the book Tough Guys #1 martial arts book in America (September 2017).
bill viola jr books


In 2016, he co-authored Go Ask Your Dad, with his friend Dom Domasky (Motivation Champs) an inspirational book about fatherhood which debuted on the Amazon best-sellers list.

bill viola jr bio
Viola @ the 40 under 40 Awards

In 2016 his work was honored by Pittsburgh Magazine who named him to the prestigious “40 under 40” list recognizing the most influential young leaders in the city. His latest project, CommonSensei is a self-help book aimed to teach high school and college age students skills they weren’t taught.

Viola Karate Dojo:

Over the past fifty years, Viola’s karate school has welcomed and transformed everyone from children struggling with autism to Olympic level competitors.  “It doesn’t matter if they are a professional athlete or a teenager who is coping with bullies,” Viola Jr. says,   “Each and every student is on their own personal journey of self-enlightenment and courage. Our goal is to help them reach their potential and go beyond.”

This formula of empowerment inspired Viola Jr. to package the family secrets into an Award-winning curriculum—Sensei Says®. This life skills education course is the cornerstone of Allegheny Shotokan’s sister programs Norwin Ninjas (4-7 year olds) and Nursery Ninjas (2-3 year olds).  He is part of a growing Pittsburgh karate legacy that that includes all four of his sisters and now his daughter, Gabriella Capri Viola (2018 US Open International Champion) and new born son, William Viola IV.

Today, Bill is the head coach of “Team Kumite,” an all-star travel team that represents Pittsburgh on an international level. Most recently he coached Xander Eddy to Gold at the Pan American Championships in Cancun, Mexico who was honored by the Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf and WTAE featured athlete.   In 2020, the team is slated to compete at the Irish Open in Dublin, Ireland and visit Tokyo, Japan for the Olympic Games.

 Mr. Bill Viola Jr. over the years:



» Profile

President of Kumite Classic Entertainment Corp.

President of Viola Karate  (established in 1969 by his father, Bill Viola Sr., the co-creator of the sport of mixed martial arts).  

» Education

  • University of Pittsburgh, Summa Cum Laude
  • BS Political Science, 1999
  • University Scholar, 1998

» Work Experience

Allegheny Shotokan Karate Inc., North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania

Master Level Instructor, 6th Dan 

  • Began training, 1979
  • State, National, International Champion 1983-1999
  • USA Karate Jr. Olympic Gold Medalist
  • Recognized as World Champion by Arnold Schwarzenegger, 1998
  • USA Karate All American Athlete, 1995-1999
  • USA Karate National Champion, 1995-1999

Kumite Classic Entertainment Corp., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

President & Founder, 1999-Present

  • Viola Karate Dojo (est. 1969)
    • Gold standard for martial arts in Pittsburgh
  • Annual Pittsburgh Fitness Expo
    • Pittsburgh’s largest multi-sport convention
  • Film producer and writer
  • Talent Management


Non-Fiction, 2003-Present:  Notable work  

  • Go Ask Your Dad (2016) Debuted on Amazon Best Seller List
  • Godfathers of MMA (2015) Inspiration of the documentary film Tough Guys
  • Tough Guys #1 Amazon Best-Seller (boxing, martial arts, sports)

Kumite Quarterly Magazine., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Publisher, 2003-2007

Eckert Seamans Law Firm, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

KI Scholarship Program Director, 2001-2007

Congressman Ron Klink (PA 4th District), North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania

Congressional Intern, 1997

» Associations

Western Pennsylvania Police Athletic League Martial Arts Chairman, Union member of the Screen Actors Guild and American Federation of Television and Radio, PIND 5K.

» Honors

  • 40 Under 40 Class of 2016
  • Who’s Who in the Martial Arts – Legends Edition
  • Willie Stargell “MVP Award” for community service, 2011
  • Sport Karate Museum History General
  • PKRA Pennsylvania Karate Hall of Fame
  • Lifetime Achievement Award, Sport Karate Museum, 2005
  • Inducted into NBL Hall of Fame, 2003

40 under 40 bill viola jr

Pittsburgh Magazine named Bill Viola Jr. as one of the “40 Under 40” most influential people in the city in 2016.


bill viola jr at kumite classicFurther Reading about Bill Viola Jr and Viola Karate:

Date Title Author Publication
10/6/2018 Despite medial issues, extreme heat, 3rd annual PIND 5k a hit Carr, Dillion Trib Live
9/4/2018 Martial artists kick their way through research fundraiser Pickels, Mary Trib Live
8/23/2018 Boyce Park 5K event to raise funds for Parkinson’s research Carr, Dillion Pittsburgh Tribune-review
8/7/2018 Karate kid Gabby Viola kicks back  Pickels, Mary Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
7/20/2018 Allegheny Shotokan students compete at US Open World championships Hartlep, Bill Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
6/20/2018 Dr. Freddie Fu Gives Karate Standout a Second Chance Viola, Bill UPMC
6/6/2018 The Early Years of MMA Were a ‘No-Holds-Barred Freakshow’  Bateman, Oliver MEL Magazine
4/7/2018 Norwin’s Russell shows no weakness Dunlap, Shane Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
4/7/2018 Whether it’s softball or karate, Norwin’s Russell shows no weakness Beckner, Bill Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
3/14/2018 Perserving Tough Guys Heritage Holtschlag, Heather In Community
2/12/2018 Karate School Helps Needy Napsha, Joe Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
2/1/2018 How to Organize a Successful Tournament Borkland, Herb MAIA
12/23/2017 Team Kumite earns international titles Trib Staff Trib Live
11/30/2017 Stepping Into The Ring: A Look At MMA’s Local Roots Hacke, Matthew Whirl Magazine
11/11/2017 Book and Film Chronicle Brownsville Native’s Creation of New Sport Zuchowaki, Dave Pennsylvania Bridges
10/16/2017 Tough Guys tops Amazon Charts as best seller MMA Williams, Clem Pittsburgh MMA
10/11/2017 Tough Guys’ book an inspiring read Guth, Jonathan Herald-Standard
10/9/2017 Mike Murray of Colliers remembers being one of the first ‘Tough Guys’ North, Kim Weirton Daily Times
10/8/2017 Colliers man part of ‘Tough Guys’ movie North, Kim Times Leader
10/4/2017 Norwin student leads fundraising efforts to “Kick Parkinson’s Disease” Staff Trib Live
10/1/2017 Whos Who in the Martial Arts Bowen, Jesse ISBN-10: 1387161539
9/21/2017 A Tough Guy Looks Back Himler, Jeff Trib-Norwin Star
9/15/2017 Tough Guys Showtime Network Debut Premiere Staff The Palace
9/15/2017 Showtime documentary proves Pittsburgh-area early mixed martial arts fighters were ‘Tough Guys’ Sciullo, Maria Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
9/15/2017 ‘Tough Guys’ documentary sheds welcome light on forgotten MMA tourney that pre-dates UFC 1 Chiappetta, Mike
9/15/2017 Tough Guys – Amazon Viola, Bill KCE Press
9/15/2017 Two locals were instrumental in first MMA event Guth, Jonathan Herald-Standard
9/14/2017 Mixed martial arts pioneer gets TKO in Tough Guys 1980 opener Himler, Jeff Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
9/14/2017 Will Zullo, Henry Roosevelt, Craig DiBiase & Jamie Crowder On Their Film, “Tough Guys” Yahoo Staff Yahoo Entertainment
9/13/2017 Showtime’s ‘Tough Guys’ documentary explores MMA’s early roots Stupp, Dann MMA Junkie
9/13/2017 MMA’s roots right back to Western PA staff Burghline
9/12/2017 Tough Guys’ trace MMA’s roots right back to Western PA Harrop, Joanne Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
9/11/2017 Before UFC, It was all about Tough Guys Viola, Bill Pittsburgh MMA
9/10/2017 “Tough Guys” Explores Grassroots fighting Precursosr to MMA Gables, Rick TV Weekly Now
9/8/2017 New Showtime Doc Tough Guys Explores Origin of MMA TV News Desk Broadway World
9/1/2017 Tough Guys Staff Showtime
8/29/2017 Showtime to Air New ‘Tough Guys’ Documentary on Early Days of MMA Golightly, Justin
7/24/2017 Team Kumite trio claims gold at North American Open Karpen, Drew Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
7/17/2017 WAKO North American Open Corocan, John MAIA
7/8/2017 Tough Guys’ documentary profiles local creators of MMA Viola, Caliguri Whalen, William Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
7/2/2017 Allegheny Shotokan named ‘top team’ at Kumite Classic Staff Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
6/15/2017 AFI Docs is your ticket to 3 world-premiere films Kirby-Page, Kristen Washington Post
6/14/2017 Morgan Spurlock producing MMA origins documentary Tough Guys Brace, Samuel Flickering Myth
6/13/2017 Morgan Spurlock to Exec Produce MMA Origins Documentary ‘Tough Guys’ (EXCLUSIVE) Mcnary, Dave Varitey
6/13/2017 Academy Award Nominated Morgan Spurlock Joins Academy Award Winner Ross Kauffman New York (SPW) SHOOT
6/1/2017 Wrong Place Wrong Time:  The Real Birthplace of MMA Stagliano, Matt Skillset Magazine
5/31/2017 Photo Gallery: 18th annual Kumite Classic & Fitness Expo Trib Staff Trib Live
5/24/2017 Get pumped for annual Pittsburgh Fitness Expo Trib Staff Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
5/12/2017 AFI Doc Interviews:  Tough Guys AFI American Film Institute
5/12/2017 AFI Docs Line Up Includes ‘Atomic Homefront,’ ‘Saving Brinton,’ ‘Tough Guys’ Premieres Johnson, Ted Varitey
5/5/2017 Pittsburgh Today Live KDKA Staff KDKA
10/19/2016 40 Under 40: 2016 Roddy, Dennis Pittsburgh Magazine
8/24/2016 Book Review:  Godfathers of MMA Guerry, Matthew Whirl Magazine
7/9/2016 Outstanding Performance Staff Trib-Norwin Star
6/27/2016 How Would Reebok Have Done As A Sponsor of MMA Between 1979-1983? Madden, Dave MMA Wreckage
6/15/2016 Alumni News Staff University of Pittsburgh
5/12/2016 Pittsburgh-The Birthplace of Mixed Martial Arts Matches Staff Popular Pittsburgh
5/6/2016 Documentary to feature Milton’s Mixed Martial Arts forefather Little, Aaron Santa Rosa Press Gazeette
5/1/2016 An ‘Exponential’ Love of Fitness Holtschlag, Heather In Community
5/1/2016 The Evolution of Karate:  2020 Olympics Viola, Bill Sport Karate Illustrated
2/25/2016 Martial Art of the Month: MMA Bulger, Jake Kung-Fu Kingdom
2/24/2016 From the First Days in Pittsburgh, MMA has Become the Fastest Growing Sport Pro MMA Staff Pro MMA Now
2/19/2016 From Pittsburgh roots, MMA, UFC have grown to staggering heights Bloom, Elizabeth Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
2/14/2016 Jacquet Bazemore / Top kickboxer, sparring partner for Muhammad Ali Ove, Torsten Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
2/14/2016 RIP Jacquet Bazemore Viola, Bill
1/1/2016 Ali vs Inoki – The Forgotten Fight that Inspired MMA Gross, Josh BenBella Books
9/15/2015 Tough Man Contest Mike Murray Dave Jones Staff Steel Nation Magazine
9/13/2015 Before MMA, Tough Guys wowed fans in A-K Valley, throughout state Steele, Jerin Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
7/30/2015 Dana Double Day Viola, Bill
7/11/2015 Mixed Martial Arts come to Meadows Mathurin, Desiree Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
7/9/2015 Outstanding Team Trib Staff Trib Live
6/25/2015 Godfathers of MMA Viola, Bill Amazon
6/25/2015 Godfather of MMA – Amazon Viola, Bill Amazon
5/19/2015 Pittsburgh Fitness Expo returning to Monroeville Love, Mike Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
4/14/2015 Godfathers of MMA – Birth of an American Sport Etheridge, Pagie Osu Magazine
3/17/2015 Family Traditions Jones, Rachel Whirl Magazine
3/1/2015 Lord of the Ring – World Champion Ali Viola Q & A Sport Karate Illustrated
2/12/2015 Karate kids: Viola family keeps kicking at World Games Zuchowski, Dave Pittburgh Post-Gazette
2/10/2015 Law student succeeds at Sport Karate World Games Cardone, Jenn Duquesne Duke
2/9/2015 For family, martial arts ‘in the DNA’ Pickels, Mary Trib Live
2/8/2015 Duquesne University law student adds world martial arts titles to resume Pickels, Mary Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
1/30/2015 Big Muscle in Steel City Hawk, Dave Muscle & Body
1/14/2015 Penn-Trafford sophomore World Karate Tournament Smith, Nathan Trib Live
5/1/2014 15th Annual Pittsburgh Fitness Expo Staff Western PA Guide to Good Health
1/22/2014 Mt. Pleasant author helps examine mixed martial arts Panian, A.J. Mount Plesant Journal
1/22/2014 Mt. Pleasant author helps examine mixed martial arts Panian, A.J. Mount Plesant Journal
1/16/2014 Team Kumite has ‘unprecedented’ success Gulasy, Doug Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
11/7/2013 Godfather’s Of MMA Staff Strength Figther
11/1/2013 MMA’s Forgotten Forefathers Cartey, Richard Fighters Only Magazine
9/13/2013 CHAMPIONS GATHER Neal, Bill PGH Courier
7/10/2013 Martial arts workout touted as packing a punch Gulasy, Doug Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
5/22/2013 Kumite Classic Kicks it up a Notch Schrecengost, Dave Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
4/20/2013 Former Steelers wide receiver Ward honors local high school athletes Price, Karen Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
1/25/2013 Leader earns top karate honor Adamski, Chris Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
10/24/2012 The Martial Chronicles: Before Fighting Was Ultimate It Was Super Nash, John SB Nation
10/1/2012 Hines Ward Show Ward, Hines WPXI
8/23/2012 Battle of Superfighters (Tough Guys the Real Beginings of MMA in America Cartey, Richard Fighters Only
5/30/2012 Fitness and martial-arts enthusiasts pack Convention Center for Kumite Classic Love, Michael Trib Live
5/29/2012 2012 Kumite Classic with Antonio Brown Trib Staff Trib Live
5/23/2012 The Martial Chronicles: Before Fighting Was Ultimate It Was Super Nash, John Bloody Elbow
5/9/2012 Norwin’s Leader, Kemp pull down Positive Athlete Awards Trib Staff Trib Live
4/29/2012 Norwin junior seeks karate championship Harvath, Les Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
4/21/2012 26 Honored At Western Pa. Positive Athlete Awards KDKA Staff KDKA
3/1/2012 2012 Positive Athletes Ward, Hines Positive Athlete
1/1/2012 Exhibit Must-Sees Madarasz, Ann Western PA Sports Museum
12/20/2011 Pioneers of MMA Madarasz, Ann Heinz History Center
12/5/2011 Viola Honored for role with early MMA Grubba, Matt Trib Live
12/1/2011 Pittsburgh MVP Staff Champions Association
10/1/2011 Tough Guys Madarasz, Ann Western Pennsylvania History: Fall 2011, 8-9
10/1/2011 New Sports Museum Display Explores Local Roots of Mixed Martial Arts Madarasz, Ann Senator John Heinz History Center Newsletter
10/1/2011 Local karate students compete in Ohio Trib staff Norwin Star
7/4/2011 Viola Honored As Mixed Martial Arts Innovator Santa, John Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
6/24/2011 MMA roots were planted in New Kensington Werner, Sam Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
6/23/2011 Caliguri and Viola history honored Kogut, Paul Trib Live
6/22/2011 UFC makes long-waited Pittsburgh debut Stefano, Dan Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
1/14/2011 Norwin junior claims a sport karate world title Trib Staff Trib Live
1/6/2011 Karate coach Bill Viola recognized by peers Hartlep, Bill Trib Live
12/29/2010 Christmas Kumite Trib Staff Norwin Star
8/24/2010 The Zuffa Myth and UFC auteur theory Rossen, Jake ESPN
5/27/2010 MMA Trailblazers to be honored at Caged Kumite Hartlep, Bill Trib-Norwin Star
5/25/2009 Kumite Karate Klassic celebrates 10 years Neal, Bill New Pittsburgh Courier
3/26/2009 Viola’s Bring MMA Back to Pittsburgh Hartlep, Bill Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
1/15/2009 Illness doesn’t deter karate champion Dudurich, Mike Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
12/26/2007 1997 Sports Champions NGB Reports Slam sports
5/15/2007 Festival puts emphasis on physical fitness Kelly, Jack Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
5/25/2005 North Huntingdon Twp. Promoter heads Pittsburgh Sports and Fitness Festival Cloonan, Patrick Daily News
6/13/2002 Karate instructor passionate about foundation Dopirak, Dustin Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
7/22/2001 Viola poised to provide karate scholarships to youth Hunger, Brian Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
11/4/2000 North Huntingdon Township man hopes to hit it big in Tinsel Town Wertz, Marjorie Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
11/1/2000 Former Karate Champion Makes Transition to Music Video Schofield, Melissa Pittburgh Post-Gazette
8/15/1999 Karate duo’s dreams crash before nationals  Iovino, Jim Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
8/9/1999 U.S. Karate Team Caputres Gold in Kumite Staff USOC Press
3/4/1998 Fivesome May Kick its Way to Title MacGregor, Adam Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
2/23/1997 Schwarzenegger Selects Irwin Karate School for Festival Robertson, Scott Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
4/1/1993 Laurel State Champions Staff Standard Observer
5/5/1987 Norwin’s Karate Kid is Making Mark in World Haky, Mike Daily News
4/9/1987 Norwin Student Gets a Kick from Karate Ove, Torsten Pittsburgh Press
4/5/1987 Karate Kid Alive and Well in North Huntingdon Junker, Guy WTAE


Other books by Bill Viola Jr:

author bill viola jr

author bill viola jr
Bill Viola Jr. experienced the “Golden Era” of MMA firsthand as his father; Bill Sr. is credited as the co-creator of the sport (a decade before the UFC) by the Heinz History Center, in conjunction with the Smithsonian Institute.In 2014, Viola Jr. published the critically acclaimed non-fiction book Godfathers of MMA inspired by the life of his father.  The book is the subject of the documentary film Tough Guys (2017).  Initial praise attracted a star studded lineup of executive producers including Academy Award® Nominated Morgan Spurlock (Supersize Me) and Oscar® winning writer Ross Kaufmann (Born in Brothels).   The world premiere of “Tough Guys” took place at the American Film Institute (AFI) Docs on June 15th 2017 at the famous Landmark Theatre in Washington, DC.

Further reading on Bill Viola Jr: