Legal Target Areas: Ribs, chest, abs
Illegal Target Areas: NO HEAD CONTACT,
groin, back, leg techniques
• Single Round Eliminations – 2 minutes each round.
• Championship rounds will consist of 2 rounds 2 minutes
each with 30 second break in between. Top 4 fighters are
considered “championship” rounds as well as title fight for
GRAND Champion.
• All rounds will be continuous unless there is a foul or reset etc.
needs to happen. Otherwise score totals will be called at the
end of all rounds.
–– Example: Judge one calls this bout at 10 to 9 red fighter/
judge two calls this bout 10 to 8 blue fighter etc.
• Light contact.
• No blind or out of control techniques of any kind. 1st offense
STRONG WARNING, 2nd Offense Points Deducted, 3rd
Offense Automatic Disqualification.
• Center Referee can stop the match if it is clear to them that
one opponent is incapable of continuing to fight and declare
the other fighter the winner.
• Head judge can stop the match if it is clear to them that one
opponent is incapable of continuing to fight and declare the
other fighter the winner.
• No clawing, pressure point strikes, twisting techniques,
slamming techniques or un-sportsman like attitude. 1st time
Warning – 2nd time Disqualification.
• 5 seconds to execute techniques while on ground or after
countering a point scored on you – head referee will reset each
match after 5 count for adults/
• No Knee Strikes or No Elbow Strikes – this will help avoid facial
cuts as much as possible.
• All fighters must make sure nails are trimmed back and not
jagged to cut or hurt anyone.
• Competitor (Male – must have groin cup/sports cup)
• Gi Pants or Fight Shorts may be worn – or full uniform
• Must have Boxing Head Guard (full contact head guard),
mouth piece, MMA style (fingerless fight gloves) or foam hand
guards that are approved by commissioner.
• Must have Ringstar Fight Shoes / Foam foot gear.
• Women Fighters must have sports bra and turtle Shell Chest
• All Fighters male or female must supply own fight equipment
and must be approved by fight commissioner prior to entering
the ring. All Fighters must weigh in prior to event. Weigh ins will
close to ring/division starting no last minute entries. All Fighters
must sign off with commissioner on weight.
• All Bonus monies apply only to the top 4 fighters and GRANDS.
• NO negative language or attitudes will be tolerated.
• The most important function of the referee is to secure the
safety of the competitors. Therefore the referee must be aware
of the attitude and intent of the participants.
• The nature of a good referee should be fair and unbiased, and
impartial. A referee must have extensive knowledge of POINT
MMA rules and scoring and must not alter them in the least.
• A center ref MUST NOT argue point of judgment or call with
anyone. If someone has a complaint match will be held and a
calm conversation with fight commissioner will take place. We
don’t want our refs to destroy their credibility throughout the
• A good referee is there but barely seen in the middle of the
fight unless deemed necessary.
• A referee must wear safety gloves at all times while being
center referee.
• There will be 2-3 other judges/referees scoring each match.
• Referee (center ref is responsible for making sure that
each fighter has the specified required equipment. All
equipment must be inspected for usage by either center ref
or commissioner prior to each fight. Must make sure that the
striking surfaces are free of abrasive tape that may cut the face
of other fighters.
• A few moments of equipment inspection at the beginning of a
bout can prevent serious injury.
• Required for use and inspection – boxing/full contact head
guard, mouth guard, MMA fingerless fight gloves, Ringstar fight
shoes, groin cup men, turtle shell chest protectors women.
• It is also the center ref’s responsibility to make sure each
fighter’s nails are trimmed and not jagged as to hurt or injury
other fighters.
• It is the center ref’s responsibility to control the fight at all times
as well as the ring and not allow coaches, parents, friends or
anyone enter ring while fight is in play.
• Referee is as mobile as the movement that the fighters dictate.
• Center ref must make sure that other officials do not
congregate on the side of any fighter and remain neutral at all
• Referee must make judgment calls immediately upon breaking
the fight for any reason and may not confer with any other
official or fight team, coach etc. The ref may however, use a
brief moment to review rules with commissioner if deemed
• The ref should never allow a competitor to compromise his or
her authority as an official. The referee enforces the regulations
• The ref must not tolerate unsportsmanlike conduct or
disrespect from the competitors or coaches, parents, friends
etc. The match will be stopped and the fighter will NOT be
permitted to go on.
• The ref should establish a close working relationship with
the judges based on mutual respect. The officials must
cooperate completely for the safety of the competitors and the
determination of that division’s true champion. The ref and
judges always support each other on determination of rule
• The ref must control that there is NO dialogue between the
fighters once the match starts.
• If the ref has to discuss a violation with the competitor or an
issue of warrant the clock must be stopped and start back as
the fight proceeds.
• A ref should never ask another judge or official did you see